Akwadum Christian Village

The Akwadum Christian Village in Ghana

Akwadum Christian Village is a project of Christ Evangelical Church. The Church is registered img_Akwadum_village-home2as a charitable trust in the United Kingdom.According to the deeds and constitution of the Trust, the Church objects at 4 (b) “to relieve persons who are in conditions of need or hardship or who are aged or sick and to relieve the distress caused thereby in the said London Borough and in such other parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the Trustees may from time to time think fit”.The Trust has therefore found it fit to build, equip and run a Christian Village in Ghana to cater for orphans and the elderly.

Message from Christ Evangelical Church

“Dear Friends as you have visited the site we hope you have found the information helpful as well as insightful. We appeal to you to support and help us in our mission especially for the work on the Akwadum Christian Village which is currently making a real change and difference to orphans and the elderly in Ghana. If you would like to help or even make a donation to our projects please feel free to contact us on 0208-539-2551 in London or if your in Ghana please contact us on 0279 0188919. Thanks from Christ Evangelical Church team”